Tuesday, October 18, 2016

the bigest fall

First Name:Tinokura
Last Name: nootai-ona
Room Number:17

Title:My Biggest Fall.

Introduction:  I am doing a race in Brazil

Body/Paragraphs: Hi I am doing a 5000m sprint. I was running and a girl just fell and she tripped me as well. She twisted her ankle and had a big injury. I helped her up we came last but we didn’t care.We made it to the finals because it was the Olympic spirit.Then that was the end of the race.I am thinking about when the nz lady tweeted her ankle would hurt so bad I felt sorry

Conclusion:They called the ambulance so I went to the hospital and wait until my knee is ok.Then I can go back to the olympics to do another 5000m race.And she said to me I will see you in another race and good luck in the finals